by Nicholas Oborny, Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas, How2Power Today, Jul 15 2017
This article provides a look into several MOSFET properties and how they affect the
performance of a motor drive design. For those familiar with MOSFET operation and
three-phase motor drives, this article will be mostly a review of fundamentals.
Parameters that influence MOSFET selection are explained, equations are given for
calculating conduction and switching losses in the motor drive applications, and
factors such as switching frequency and edge rates, which influence both switching
losses and EMI, are discussed. Tradeoffs in the different performance factors and in
performance versus device cost are noted. Finally, this article points to a gate drive
IC with adjustable drive current architecture, which makes it easier for designers to
assess the impact of higher MOSFET switching speeds and their parasitic effects in
three-phase motor drive designs.
What you’ll learn:
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