by Wilmer Companioni, KEMET, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., How2Power Today, Jan 16 2019
As the multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) industry experiences a significant
capacity and supply issue, engineers may consider polymer electrolytic capacitors as
an alternative. This short article discusses the operating conditions under which
polymer electrolytics are viable replacements for MLCCs in power supply applications.
Kemet’s KO-CAPs are used as examples, though the same principles apply with other
tantalum-based polymer electrolytic capacitor series. These capacitor replacement
guidelines are demonstrated using a buck converter design example. Article includes a
decision tree flowchart to determine whether KO-CAPs are viable replacements for
MLCCs. The benefits of replacing a bank of MLCCs with a single polymer electrolytic
are discussed.
What you’ll learn:
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