by Benjamin Lampe, Maxim Integrated, San Jose, Calif., How2Power Today, Jun 17 2019
A previous article looked at hand calculations for buck converter error budgeting and
saw how they stacked up against simulations from EE-Sim, Maxim Integrated's online
SIMPLIS power supply design and simulation tool. But how closely do the hand
calculations and models match bench measurements? This article verifies the output
voltage error budget analysis performed on the MAX17242 buck converter design by
comparing simulation results with bench measurements on working hardware. The article
begins by checking the accuracy of the MAX17242 SIMPLIS model in simulating the load
step response against measured results. After observing the close correlation in
results, the article then explains the steps taken to tweak the IC model to reflect
the characteristics of the actual silicon being tested, while also discussing the
capabilities and advantages of Maxim's EE-Sim OASIS design tool. It then demonstrates,
through further simulation and measurement, how the confidence achieved in developing
and testing the model, enables us to accurately simulate the performance of the
converter with respect to the voltage droop. Finally, the article sweeps specific
parameters to understand the range of potential transient responses across component
and silicon variation.
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