by Viktor Vogman, Power Conversion Consulting, Olympia, Wash., How2Power Today, Sep 16 2019
Developed to perform transient testing on VRs and server power supplies, miniature e-
loads known as slammers (or some variation on this name) generate high-current slew
rates and magnitudes. Slammers are available for purchase or you can build them to
address your test needs. This article describes the design and operation of one called
a microslammer. This particular design addresses the need to test CPU power virus
protection. However, variations of this design can be used to test power supplies and
bus-bar PDNs. After describing the requirements for the microslammer, the essential
elements of its design are explained including methods for determining the maximum
current and pulse duration as well as pulse repetition rates that the microslammer can
generate, based on the choice of power MOSFET. Methods for operating the microslammer
with a laboratory-grade signal generator or a PC control interface are also described.
Finally, experimental results are presented that demonstrate the use of microslammer
prototypes for testing CPU virus protection.
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