by Ingo Skuras, Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany, How2Power Today, Dec 13 2019
This widening of the application scope for variable speed drives (VSDs) has driven
Infineon to adopt a new approach in iMOTION, the company’s family of integrated
solutions for the control of variable speed drives. These products integrate a
production-grade control algorithm for the motor, and an optional power-factor
correction (PFC) control algorithm along with all required hardware functions. This
article describes why and how the hardware and software were changed to address the
new application requirements, and how the new features and architectural changes in
iMOTION 2.0 enable higher performance, reduce bills of materials and enhance design
flexibility in the applications. A hair dryer design example illustrates how these new
features are put to use in one of the newer applications for VSDs.
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