by Jos van Loo, Taiwan Semiconductor Europe, Zorneding, Germany and Kevin Parmenter, Taiwan Semiconductor America, Chandler, Ariz., How2Power Today, Oct 15 2020
Schottky diodes are used increasingly in applications where there is a combination of
high ambient temperatures and higher voltages present, making them vulnerable to
thermal runaway. By better understanding how the maximum Tj of a Schottky diode is
defined and why thermal runaway happens, design engineers will be able to build more
efficient and more reliable products. This article looks at the factors that lead to
thermal runaway and describes its two forms—static and dynamic. It also discusses the
importance of reliability testing and thermal modeling in avoiding thermal runaway.
Much of this discussion revolves around a Schottky rectifier’s forward voltage and
leakage current specifications, how they influence thermal performance, junction
temperatures, reliability, efficiency, and aspects of Schottky device structure that
influence these two specifications. The article also discusses second sourcing of
Schottkys and the impact of packaging on thermal runaway.
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