by Gregory Mirsky, Design Engineer, Deer Park, Ill. , How2Power Today, Aug 15 2021
A previous article discussed how use of a Zener diode in series with the recuperating
diode speeds up operation of a solenoid driver circuit. That article demonstrated that
adding a voltage-dropping component in the path of the inductor
core’s magnetic state recuperating current can shorten the core’s magnetic state
recuperation process by means of stored energy dissipation, which might also be beneficial
in power circuits that use energy storing inductors. This article continues the discussion
by offering an analysis of the dissipation of energy stored in the inductor’s magnetic
core and how the Zener diode shortens the magnetic core recuperation process. The purpose
here is to provide formulas and plots that facilitate the Zener diode selection necessary
for reducing the energy dissipation time by a user-defined factor.
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