Bunched Vs. Cabled: Litz Wire Bundle Twist Geometry Influences Proximity Effects

by Dennis Feucht, Innovatia Laboratories, Cayo, Belize, How2Power Today, Apr 15 2021

Litz wire is a name for a twisted or braided bundle of strands of individual wire conductors that can then be wound on a core bobbin to form a winding. Each turn of the bundle is a winding turn, and within it are strands of wire. A winding bundle can simply be Ns strands twisted together, or can consist of sub-bundles of twisted wire which are twisted together to form the overall bundle. Commercial Litz wire usually consists of sub- bundles and is more elaborate to construct, especially if it is braided. This article describes some of the geometric features of Litz wire windings in tranformers consisting of multiple twisted bundles and their magnetic effects, mainly with respect to proximity effects. The impact of factors such as numbers of strands per bundle, number of bundles per winding, and twist rates within and between sub-bundles on proximity effects is analyzed.

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