by Ron Demcko and Daniel West, AVX, Fountain Inn, S.C., How2Power Today, Feb 15 2022
Aluminum electrolytic capacitors (Al-Els) are popular in many applications because they
offer high capacitance values with high RMS values at low cost, and a wide range of
voltage ratings and package styles. But conventional aluminum electrolytics employing a
liquid electrolyte have drawbacks such as electrolyte leakage and dryout, which hurt
component reliability and limit lifetime. Wet aluminum electrolytics also exhibit higher
ESR and greater variation in ESR over temperature versus other capacitor styles. However,
the development of conductive polymer and hybrid aluminum electrolytics has increased
reliability and alleviated performance limitations versus wet electrolytics, improving the
usefulness of Al-Els. This article discusses the benefits offered by recent developments
in conductive polymer and hybrid aluminum electrolytic capacitors, and illustrates their
use in an example power supply application.
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