by Dr. Marcus Herdin, Market Segment Industry Manager, Components, Research & Universities, and Marcus Sonst, Application Development, both at Rohde & Schwarz, Bodo's Power Systems, Jan 01 2020
Also published in EE Power, this 2-page article introduces the technique of making Bode
Plot measurements using an oscilloscope rather than a frequency response analyzer or
vector network analyzer. It takes advantage of new oscilloscope capabilities, although the
relevant scope models are not noted. After explaining why Bode measurements are needed to
access stability, concepts such as gain and phase margin, and the basics of taking Bode
measurements are explained with some guidelines on requirements for signal injection and
probing. Look to other sources for more details and examples of how to take the
measurements. For example, see R&S app note GFM321_1e, “Tips and Tricks on how to verify
control loop stability”.
What you’ll learn:
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