by Victor W. Quinn, Chief Technology Officer, Tabtronics Inc.,Geneseo, N.Y., Power Electronics Technology, Oct 01 2005
Despite the fact that high-frequency power transformers are typically custom designs, most of these transformers underutilize the transformer's core window in their attempts to achieve efficient current conduction. Insulation requirements and eddy current losses are typically to blame. Insulation and shields typically occupy up more than half of the core window. Meanwhile, induced high-frequency eddy currents, increase the apparent resistances of the windings by 50% or more. The combined effect of these two factors is that less than one fourth of the core window is used effectively. This article discusses intuitive design techniques for determining the optimal transformer winding strategy. These techniques are based on calculations of normalized loss and magnetic energy density and are demonstrated using transformer design examples for a bridge configuration and a forward converter.
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