by Dr. John Schönberger, Plexim GmbH, Bodo's Power Systems, Feb 01 2009
PLECS is an electrical circuit simulator that can also perform thermal modeling. This article describes the techniques used by PLECS for fast electrical and thermal simulation. A unique aspect of PLECS' thermal simulation involves combining all losses from components mounted to a heatsink and inserting those losses into a thermal network. Another unique aspect is how conduction losses and switching losses of components are determined using look-up tables that provide much faster simulation than if those losses were calculated from current and voltage waveforms. To demonstrate how thermal modeling works in PLECS, the article presents a simulation of the temperature rise of a power MOSFET (the FCD4N60) in a single-switch flyback converter developed for use as an LED power supply. Simulation results are compared with experimental data.
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Article appears on pages 38-40 of February issue in article archive. You must register to access articles in this magazine's archive.
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