by Nasser Kutkut, PowerDesigners, LLC, Madison, WI, Vendor website, Apr 23 2010
This 4-page primer on battery chargers discusses the three types of chargers used in industrial battery charging applications--ferroresonant chargers, SCR chargers, and switched-mode (SMPS) chargers. The characteristics of each type of charger are described, including their advantages, disadvantages, and which battery types they are suited for. Simplified schematics or block diagrams are shown for each type. The article provides goes into greater detail about the SMPS chargers, describing their basic operation, their advantages versus the other charger types, and the differences between isolated and nonisolated versions. Article concludes with a summary table that compares the "features, benefits, and limitations" of the three charger types.
What you’ll learn:
PowerDesigners Application Note AN-7. No publicationb date specified. Article accessed 04-23-2010.
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