by Julie J. Lee and Marian K. Kazimierczuk, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, How2Power Today, May 27 2010
A buck-boost converter can both step down or step up a dc voltage, operating in either continuous-conduction mode (CCM) or discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) depending on the inductor current waveform. In CCM, the inductor current flows continuously for the entire period. In this paper, a small-signal model of a buck-boost converter in CCM is presented and the control-to-output transfer function is derived. The effects of load change on the control-to-output transfer function are then studied. The analysis looks at transient response as well as the frequency response of the buck-boost converter using Mathcad to predict "theoretical" results of the model and PSpice to predict "simulated" results.
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