by Ali M. Bazzi and Philip T. Krein, Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA, How2Power Today, Jun 29 2010
Most available control techniques for induction machines require information about the flux. For example, field-oriented control (FOC) requires stator- or rotor-flux estimation in the synchronous frame, direct torque control (DTC) requires stator-flux estimation in the stationary frame, feedback linearization requires rotor-flux estimation in the synchronous frame, etc. This paper presents the implementation of a flux estimator for inverter-fed induction machines. Both stator and rotor flux are estimated using the back-EMF method. A procedure for the implementation of this estimator on a digital signal processor is given. Discussion covers hardware and software requirements, interfacing procedures, implementation, calibration, and testing. Detailed but simplified discussions of the fixed-point processing requirements for motor drives and other power electronics applications are also presented. The procedure described here is intended for applications in which the estimator is essential but not a primary system development target. This work can be extended to other estimators, especially for advanced inverter-fed motor control applications.
What you’ll learn:
This paper was originally given at the 2009 Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Expo.
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