by Steven M. Sandler, Microwaves & RF, Jun 01 2010
With the recent availability of low-cost models, arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) have become a more accessible test and measurement option for designers. For power electronics engineers, they can provide a means for testing out different power supply design options. For example, an AWG-based power supply can generate 115 VAC at 400 Hz for powering aircraft¬ systems or to generate ac power at 50, 60, or 800 Hz for commercial applications. This article briefly discusses use of Picotest’s G5100A, a combination AWG and function generator, to generate the control pulses for a low-cost sine wave power source. The AWG was used to compare four different power supply design options: high-frequency PWM, half bridge, full bridge, stepped and quasi square. Pros and cons of each approach are discussed.
What you’ll learn:
Additional support materials for this article including AWG files, SPICE files and schematics are available at the Picotest website at
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