by Mohammad Kamil, Microchip Technology Inc., Vendor website, Jul 15 2010
This 56-page application note presents a reference design for a single-stage grid-connected solar (photovoltaic or PV) microinverter built around Microchip's dsPIC33F GS series digital signal controller that controls power conversion, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), fault control, and digital communication routines (optional). The design employs a dual, interleaved flyback converter to produce sinusoidal voltage output (at 110 or 230 Vac) and current in phase and in synch with the grid. This microinverter works with PV modules rated up to 220 W, an input range of 25 VDC to 45 VDC, and a maximum open-circuit voltage of 55 V. The reference design includes a detailed design specification for the microinverter with explanations of the following topics: reference design operation, hardware and software design, control methods and operation of the control loops, analysis and modeling, a procedure for connecting the reference design into an actual PV system, test results and waveforms for the reference design. Single-stage inverter limitations are also discussed. Prior to the reference design, background information is provided on PV inverter requirements, solar cell operation, and how maximum power point tracking works. Another section describes the evolution of solar power systems leading up to the development of grid-connected solar microinverter systems.
What you’ll learn:
Microchip Technology Application Note AN1338.
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