by Anthony Esposito, Avatar Engineering, Scottsdale, Ariz., How2Power Today, Jan 31 2011
Synergy is the combining of two or more things to create something new. In this article, the author presents an example of how the term can be applied to power supply design. Here, the author combines two converter topologies, Cuk and SEPIC, to create a tracking dual supply with performance benefits and greater simplicity than other approaches. Benefits include low-noise operation for easier filtering, integration of magnetics, and use of a single MOSFET power switch. This article is not a scholarly review, but rather an encouragement to think creatively and move beyond "cut and paste" circuits from vendor-supplied application notes. The author explains how he conceived the SEPIC-Cuk converter, presents his proof of concept circuit, describes its operation, explains the underlying math, and describes how the build the integrated magnetic component. The author also offers a link to a simple Spice model so users can experiment, trying other input and output voltage combinations and other control methods.
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