by Tom Boehler, Picotest, Vendor website, Mar 13 2011
In this 3 minute video, Tom Boehler demonstrates how to perform the power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) measurement on a voltage regulator using the Picotest J2120A line injector. Boehler defines PSRR, and discusses the pitfalls of the common approach to measuring PSRR (i.e. using an injection transformer to modulate an ac signal onto the input bus of a system.) He presents a test circuit consisting of a test board with an LM317 linear regulator, an ac-dc power adapter to power the regulator, a network analyzer to generate the ac test signal, the J2120A line injector, and the J211A current injector to load the test circuit. Boehler discusses setup, calibration, and measurements, which are performed with and without extra output capacitance, and the meaning of the measured results. The signal injector demonstrated can safely measure PSRR in systems with currents up to 5 A.
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