by Kyle B. Clark, Engineering Manager, Dynapower Company, Member IEEE, Vimeo, Jun 21 2012
The use of power electronics in power generation is projected to rise from dramatically over the next two decades. In this 27-minute video presentation, Clark discusses power converter architectures and topologies for the smart grid. The focus here is on grid-tied energy storage applications, but the topologies being discussed also apply to wind, solar, and other grid applications and much of the discussion here relates to renewable energy. After giving an overview of the power conversion system and its role with respect to grid-tied energy storage, Clark discusses several power conversion topologies including single-stage three-legged IGBT-based inverters, multi-stage converters, multi-level inverters, z-inverters, and multiple-module topologies. He explains basic principles of inverter operation including controller requirements; methods for increasing power from kilowatt to megawatt levels using line-commutated inverters and added functions that can be performed by grid-based power electronics including creation of islands, VAR injection, frequency regulation, low-voltage ride through, and current injection. Clark also discusses phase configuration, transformers for energy storage systems, and output power compliance standards such as IEEE 1547 and IEEE 519. Block and simplified circuit diagrams are used to explain converter operation, but Clark also includes photos of actual power converters & transformers, which help show the scale of the power electronics equipment and support his discussion of real world applications.
What you’ll learn:
This presentation was given as part of the IEEE webinar, “Modernist Circuit Topologies & Transistors for Smart Grid Power Electronics,†6/21/2012.
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