by Chris Griffith and Rich Nowakowski, Texas Instruments , Electronic Products, Jul 31 2012
This brief article presents a generic block diagram of a medical untrasound imaging system, briefly explains its operation, and then discusses its power requirements at a fairly high level. Factors influencing the choice of a system bus voltage and an intermediate bus voltage are discussed. Use of point-of-load switching regulators (POLs) for powering the less noise-sensitive functions (display and digital processors) and some analog circuits; requirements and considerations for powering the processors; and use of linear regulators for the more-sensitive analog circuits (AFE, transmit pulser, and T/R switch) are discussed. Imaging-related ICs (the AFE5808A AFE and the LM96550 transmit pulser) are cited and TI voltage regulators that can power these chips are discussed. T/R switch power requirements are also discussed.
What you’ll learn:
For insights into how requirements for low noise influence power system design in ultrasound equipment, see “Ultrasound Poses Ultimate Test of Low-Noise Design Skills,†by David G. Morrison. A summary and link for this article appear in How2Power's Careers Section.
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