by Paul Greenland, MagnaChip, Cupertino, Calif., How2Power Today, Nov 21 2012
An efficient, compliant power conversion solution solves many of the problems endemic in the industrial environment. Decoupling complex loads from conducted interference, power spikes, surges and dropouts are just some of the many benefits of a well-specified power conversion system. This article describes the fundamental elements of industrial control and monitoring systems and explain how these elements dictate requirements for power conversion. It discusses the basic structure and operation of SCADA systems, the importance of sensors and related functions, and the significance of EMI and EMI-related requirements for dc-dc converters. In describing the impact of industrial system requirements on power conversion, the focus here will be on the dc-dc converters used in these systems. The articles discusses how specific features of nonisolated, point-of-load dc-dc converters (POLs) make the newer POLs well suited for use in industrial applications.
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