by no author specified, Tektronix, Vendor website, Apr 01 2012
This application note describes a test setup for measuring the logic, RF, analog and power signals of a Qi-compliant wireless battery charger evaluation kit (the “Wireless Power Set†from Texas Instruments) and presents the results of those measurements. The setup consists of the Tektronix’s MDO4000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscope in combination with Picotest’s, current probe, current injector and preamplifier; Tek’s TDP0500 differential voltage probe, a near-field H probe from Electro-Metrics, and a Tektronix PWS4323 lab-grade power supply. Taking advantage of the MDO4000, signals are measured in both the time and frequency domains, in some cases with time-correlated measurements across the two domains. The test setup is described, a photo of the setup is shown, and test tips are given as the measurements are discussed. But you’ll want to consult TI’s documentation for the Wireless Power Set to better follow which points are being probed.
What you’ll learn:
Although no author is specified on this application note, it was written by Steve Sandler of Picotest. So readers with questions about the material may wish to contact him. This application note was also published in Power Systems Design, February 13, 2013. That article is available at
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