by Carl Blake, Transphorm, Goleta, Calif, How2Power Today, Mar 15 2016
This two-part article series is a response to questions raised by experienced power
circuit designers who were confused by the apparently contradictory information that
has been published about gallium nitride (GaN) power devices, especially data on device
reliability. This article is not a detailed review of the literature, but rather an
attempt to offer some guidance to design engineers that may help them separate fact
from fiction as it applies to their design needs. Here in part 1, the author explains
the importance of boundary conditions in evaluating published research on GaN and how
the assumed (often unstated) boundary conditions vary depending on whether the source
is an academic institution, a government laboratory, or a company in industry. Specific
sources of confusion are discussed and illustrated with examples from the literature.
The author also discusses how boundary conditions for testing GaN devices have evolved
as the technology has evolved.
What you’ll learn:
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