by Benoît Renard, STMicroelectronics, Tours, France , How2Power Today, May 16 2016
Inrush current limiting is required in a wide spectrum of applications from appliances
to automobiles, especially in systems where ac-dc conversion is performed. The
conventional approach to inrush current limiting uses a standard diode bridge together
with thermistor and relays. However, there is an alternative approach, an all-silicon
solution consisting of two diodes and two SCRs, which is referred to as a "mixed
bridge" or "smart" solution. This mixed-bridge solution is the focus of this article.
After explaining the reasons for implementing inrush current limiting, the article
discusses advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches including a comparison of
gate-drive requirements and power dissipation. Finally, some guidance is provided on
where to use the mixed bridge to achieve highest efficiency and where the standard
diode bridge with thermistor and relays solution offers a better choice.
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