by Ernie Wittenbreder, Technical Witts, Flagstaff, Ariz, How2Power Today, May 16 2016
In peak and average current-mode control there are well known problems that can cause
subharmonic behavior associated with operation above 50% duty cycle. Less well known and less
reported are the subharmonic operating states associated with low duty cycle operation. This
article series will address the subharmonic issues of peak current-mode control at both high
and low duty cycles. The issues described here for peak current-mode control apply as well to
average current-mode control. In this first part of the article series, the causes and
mechanisms of subharmonic behavior at high duty cycles are explained using the familiar buck
converter. Then the use of slope compensation to correct this problem is explained. This
discussion may be helpful for new power designers and a welcome refresher for more-experienced
power designers.
What you’ll learn:
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