by Kevin Parmenter, Excelsys Technologies, Chandler, Ariz, How2Power Today, Aug 15 2016
Since the beginning of the electronics industry one of the desirable attributes of a power
source was its ability to vary its output voltage from close to zero up to a maximum desirable
voltage for the intended application. In the old days of linear power supplies, this capability
was easily accomplished. But with the advent of switched-mode power supplies (SMPSs) design
engineers gave up the voltage-range feature as a compromise to gain the higher efficiency and
other attributes of SMPSs. Nevertheless, many applications still require wide voltage
adjustment. After discussing these applications, a series of recently introduced power supply
modules from Excelsys with wide output trim capability are described with details on how they
achieve their wide output ranges by using discrete PWM circuits and the benefits of using these
modules in place of laboratory-style or custom power supplies.
What you’ll learn:
This article contains an interesting list of medical, RF, industrial and other applications
requiring power supplies with wide output-voltage adjustment
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