by Kevin Parmenter, Excelsys Technologies, Chandler, Ariz. , How2Power Today, Oct 15 2016
Regulations such as China’s GB 4943.1-2011, IEC 60601 for medical, and IEC 60950 going to
62368-1 require power supplies to operate reliably in high altitude environments. After briefly
discussing some of the market drivers for high-altitude performance (relevant applications are
identified), this presentation describes the impact of high altitude on power electronics,
explaining key principles such as Paschen’s Law and the impact of the high-altitude environment
on power supply design. High-altitude affects the three Cs—creepage, clearance and cooling—as
the author discusses in detail. He also explains the meaning of the relevant power supply
specifications. Finally, he presents an example of a new power supply series from Excelsys
developed to meet the high-altitude requirements and how its specific performance capabilities
support compliance with the high-altitude specs.
What you’ll learn:
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